ClientIndigoIndustryConstructionLocationMonroe, NY

Stability, friendliness, and the home of your dreams. That was the foundation for our branding work with Indigo. The people building your home should celebrate the possibility, the imagination, and the kind of hope that comes with putting together the place you’re going to live. Even in the logo, Indigo’s already imagining what they can build for you.

Everybody asks “What you do? Why you?” With branding, they already know the answers before your first conversation. Indigo came to us for a brand identity and a clear sense of what they do, to help their audience understand them better. Now, their craftsmanship and trustworthiness are known throughout the community.

Sometimes, you just need the right canvas for inspiration. We saw Indigo’s truck and immediately saw their future as a brand known throughout the community, recognizable by a strong, but friendly design. The more you hear the name, the more you notice it in your community, the more trustworthy it becomes. That’s what we did for Indigo.